Saturday, October 10, 2009

Anonymous gift

Hi to all,

First and foremost, I want to offer my thanks for a beautiful, and I do mean BEAUTIFUL pink angel breast cancer figurine I received in the mail today. It is absolutely gorgeous, a Thomas Kinkade collectible. I absolutely ADORE it, and it has a very special place in my living room on a lighted shelf. The problem is, I have no idea from whom it came! I wish to thank this anonymous gift-giver properly, but Larry and I looked and looked, searched the box, examined every card and piece of literature enclosed, but could find no name as to who sent this lovely and treasured gift. So if any of you out there reading this has any information, I would love to thank whomever sent this gift, and let them know I will treasure it always. THANK YOU!

Secondly, once again, chemo and the Nulasta shot that followed have me down for the count. Chemo was Tuesday, Nulasta and head-shaving were Wednesday. So I am kind of down and out physically as well as emotionally. Over and over, I keep reminding myself that the chemo is doing its job and killing any cancer that may be left. If not for that thought, it would be hard to keep going. I have been told that some people withstand the chemo easier than I have been able to. Maybe I am just a cry baby or something, but it's really taking its toll on me. I have 8 total chemo's. They tell me the first 4 are the ones that will cause this nausea, and that the last 4 WON'T. Praise God. So, I am halfway through the nausea-inducing sessions.

So on that note, I am going to have to close. Thanks to all for the compliments on my "I Hate Hair" poem. Thanks too for all the personal emails. I promise to answer them all just as soon as I am able. But for today, it's all I can do to update this blog.

Love to all,

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how I wish I could take the nausea away. I pray and pray that this treatment won't be as bad as the last. Hang tough! This, too, shall pass, and then.......WATCH OUT! You'll be dancing on the tables!
