Monday, June 14, 2010

I'm Still Here!

Hi everyone,

Well, it's been a long, long time since I've blogged. I guess as my recovery progresses, there is less to report. Also, I have now reactivated my Facebook account, so I do write some on there.

As I said, my recovery is progressing, though I still have a ways to go here. I am now taking Arimidex, which I'll be on daily for five years, to try to keep the cancer from returning. But boy, are there ever side effects from this drug! I ache all over (which scares me, of course, because I don't know if I have another problem brewing, or if it's this Arimidex), I am very, very fatigued and rest a lot, still spend a good amount of time in bed. Bah. But I am progressing.

I am scheduled for reconstructive surgery on Aug 12. I can't WAIT to get this tissue expander OUT of here! It is so very uncomfortable and so hard to the touch.

My husband Larry is now experiencing some health issues as well. He is scheduled for colon surgery on June 18. They will remove part of his colon to prevent cancer in that area. Prayers please! He is the love of my life, and I don't want him to have ANY health issues. He has been my biggest supporter throughout my breast cancer experience, which has made me love him all the more. He has done EVERYTHING around the house, inside and out, as well as care for me (and I probably wore him out). I hope and pray that I will be able to take as good a care of him as he has me. I would take on ANY health issue if it would prevent Larry from having to go through any health issues himself. He is a wonderful man and I ask for prayers that he will be okay. He deserves a good, healthy, happy life!

I know that Larry and I have both been "under the radar" for awhile, and I think in being so, we have offended some people. I pray for understanding that we are doing the best we can, just trying to get by. We hope that we will be given time to just get all this health stuff under control. If we can just get better, we'll be back to going and doing, just as we used to. But until then, we just need time and space to deal with these health issues. It's been a long time, I know, since we've been ourselves, and since we've been out and about. Unfortunately, our maladies here have tied us down quite a bit, and thus, some of our friendships have been compromised. But with time, and especially with God's grace, we will be back to ourselves, hopefully by Christmas.

Love to all,


  1. Great new profile pic! Love it...

    Hey... flying under the radar is usually a good thing so don't you worry. Although I/we all love to hear from you and how you are doing... we can't experience it for you so WE all have to understand you gotta do what you gotta do and make each day better than the last. Each person is different in how they deal with a health crisis... you are the type that turns inward for your strength and there is nothing wrong with that!! We just need to keep sending those power thoughts your direction.

    Larry is in my prayers... and I just know all will be good. Maybe this is the body saying hey buddy! slow down just a tad!!

    Lastly... best to know what you are dealing with good or bad. Not knowing and being suprised is not fun and we are all glad you are in the know!


  2. There's no one like you, Steve! Thanks for all the uplifts! You give me such inspiration and encouragement! And thank you also for the prayers for Larry. It means so much to both of us. You are a dear friend, and I am glad you are in my life!
