Friday, April 16, 2010


Hello family and loved ones!

Well, as you can see by the new photo I posted here, a "new me" is slowly emerging. It's been a long, TOUGH road and a process I would not wish on my worst enemy. But slowly, I am getting there. I am still quite weak, still move pretty slowly, and I sometimes walk with my big, tall walking stick. But I am doing much better.

As I have mentioned before, my hair is coming back in, snow white, or, I guess more a gray color. It is still very, very short and close to my head, but it's definitely coming back. I can't say it's coming back in a different color than it was, because actually, I think this gray WAS the natural color; I just didn't know it because I kept it dyed a dark blonde all the time. Anyway, I will probably let it grow out this color and see how I like it. In the meantime, I am sporting this new wig that you see in the photo. My real hair had begun to show below my wig, so I bought a new wig that is the color of my natural hair. And as you can see, my real hair is indeed poking through around my ears under this wig too. But with the new wig being the same color as my real hair, it's a more natural look. Dunno if I'll be able to get used to the look of this new GRAY me or not; time will tell.

Feedback anyone?

The awful weight gain is "weighing" heavily on my mind. Further, my oncologist, whom I saw a couple of days ago, said that the Arimidex (hormone inhibitor) I have now started (and will take for five years) causes weight gain! Man oh man, I just can't win here. But at least I am alive!

I am so enjoying the new growth all around us here! Everything is turning green, blooms are on the trees, and the air smells SOOOO GOOD!!! I love all the new life around me, and have a whole new appreciation for EVERYTHING. Sometimes it makes me shed a tear to know that I am here to see another season begin.

Our house is now officially for sale. We have been working very, very hard to spruce this one up and get it ready to show. It has been a lot of work, and we have gotten rid of literally truck loads of things. This has really made me tired, but it has taken my mind off of the bad things, and allowed me to think of positive things, like the desire to move! No showings yet; please pray that we can sell this house before the one we would like to buy is sold to someone else.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you who keep up with my blogs and have stood by my side throughout this terrible journey. I know it sounds so cliche, but I truly have benefitted from the support of all of you, and to know I was in the thoughts and prayers of so many has really gotten me through some very tough times. Please continue to pray for me, as I have a ways to go yet. I will see the plastic surgeon on Monday. Hopefully, he will tell me when the time will be right for him to complete my reconstruction!

Love to all,

PS: Sister Dee, are you getting my emails?


  1. I think it looks fab! I like it!
    Just keep taking it one day at a time kiddo!

    Yes, everything is coming up beautiful. You should see Proud Lake. First time I have been in there this early in the season and it is amazing.

    Good luck with the Doc! I know all will be well and good for you. Just keep the faith and the prayin.

    Wixom Cheering section is making noise!!!

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